Farmington Support Our Troops Haunted House

October 8-9, 2010
7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Dakota County Fairgrounds – 4-H Building
Farmington, MN

$5 minimum donation
Tax deductible donations are cheerfully accepted prior to or at the event also. Checks should be made out to the Farmington VFW with “Support Our Troops Haunted House” in the memo.

Our Mission:
To support local soldiers who are currently deployed, or have been deployed overseas and their families, and assisting them as needs arise. This includes providing assistance to them on an individual basis as well as providing assistance through the FRG’s (Family Readiness Groups), presenting memorials and sending care packages to those who serve. Our group also strives to raise community awareness by honoring these soldiers and all who serve and to send a message to them and to the community that
“They Have Not Been Forgotten”.

Sponsored by:
Farmington VFW, Beyl Family and Friends,
With matching funds provided by “Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.”

For more information:
Germaine Beyl, “Support Our Troops” Coordinator
651-460-6004 or email at


Address: Dakota County Fairgrounds – 4-H Building
City: Farmington
State: MN
Phone: 651-460-6004

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