Pottersfield Asylum

Running our 3rd year strong! We are an interactive walk through the woods where you don’t know what’s lurkIng beyond that next dark turn. Dr. Pottersfield is at it again. He’s turning the mentally I’ll into flesh eating zombies. The military thought they would make great weapons for war, but now everything is out of control. They must stop this! They formed IZCU, a specially trained team who can eradicate the zombie army that the Dr. has created. But, do they prove to be too much for the IZCU? only one way to fi d out….. It’s okay, if you’re scared, say you’re scared.


Address: 2286 Rochester Rd
City: Morgantown
State: Kentuckt
Email: Pottersfieldasylum@gmail.com
Phone: 270-261-9639
URL: http://Pottersfieldasylum.com

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